Here's an example of why being hit by a tractor-trailer is a whole lot different than being hit by a car. We were fortunate to represent a very hard-working lady, who continued to hold several jobs despite the fact that she had a lot of pre-existing arthritis and spine problems. She got hit by a tractor-trailer while she was stopped, approaching a construction zone. The defense pointed to the fact that the tractor-trailer was going at a fairly slow speed by the time it hit our client.
However, as we point out in every trucking case, force of impact still equals mass times velocity. An 80,000 pound tractor trailer, going the same speed as a 4,000 pound car, therefore hits with 20 times the force. That's why tractor-trailers are so heavily regulated and why it's important to know the regulations that apply.
In the end, our client showed the same grit in the case that she has in her life. We prevailed.