A lot of people that have a pre-existing injury make the mistake of thinking either that this ruins their personal injury case or that they don’t have to acknowledge that they had an injury before they were in a crash. Neither is true. Our Frederick personal injury lawyer explains.
The Key to a Pre-Existing Injury Not Affecting Your Personal Injury Case
The key to a pre-existing injury is to show what change the auto accident (or other kind of accident) brought to how your body functions. If you had arthritis in your knee but were still active, that’s important. If you now have to get a knee replacement in that knee and you hadn't been consulting with a doctor about a knee replacement until the crash happened, the knee replacement should be tied to the crash.
How Our Frederick Personal Injury Lawyer Can Prove Your Injury Was Exacerbated By the Accident
There are several ways we can do this. First, our Frederick personal injury lawyer will interview a lot of witnesses who knew you before the crash and can talk about the difference between your condition before and after you got hurt by the collision. Second, we go back to your medical records and establish that you weren’t getting medical treatment or consultations for the particular injury that you have now. Third, our Frederick personal injury lawyer will create timelines which tie into witness statements and your medical records, and sometimes your work records and photographs of you, in order to make clear to an insurance adjuster or a jury how the collision has affected you. If it’s all put together properly, this can make a tremendous difference in the value of your case.
Contact Our Frederick Personal Injury Law Firm Now
If you have a pre-exising injury and would like to start a case due to that injury being exacerbated by an accident, our Frederick personal injury lawyer has plenty of years of experience handling cases like yours. Contact us or call (703) 790-3600 to speak with a member of our team today!