negotiating with other drivers insurance | Frederick car accident lawyerWhen you've been in an auto accident, dealing with the other driver's insurance company can be a major pain. It can be even worse when you're continually reaching out to them and not getting a response. If this is the case for you, you may be wondering what you should do next. Our Frederick car accident attorney breaks down what your next move should be.

Another Attempt With No Response. Here's What You Should Do Next:

This may be where push comes to shove. Take one last stab at settlement and tell the adjuster in writing that you’re going to take the matter to court if they don’t reach settlement with you within the next 14 days. Some adjusters just aren’t going to offer you a fair settlement in your case. If it’s a small claim, then you need to file a District Court claim. [The District Court of Maryland has a wonderful set of forms and helpful staff and you can learn some basics about how to file a small claim by going directly to the Court.] If the claim is larger, then you have to make a decision.  Either you do your research and find an experienced Frederick car accident attorney who is competent with these types of cases and hire him or her or, alternatively, settle for less than you want or else you can attempt to handle the case on your own.  Understand that larger claims are complicated and can require significant understanding of law and procedure, as well as the expenditure of a good deal of time. Representing yourself in bigger cases is risky and probably time-consuming for you.