If you’re hurt due to the negligent or intentional behavior of another person, you likely have a personal injury case and could be entitled to financial compensation. Some examples of personal injury accidents in Maryland are: 

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The at-fault party who causes your injury is liable for your damages. In most cases, you’ll use experienced Maryland personal injury attorneys to file a claim against that party’s insurance company for your:

  • Medical expenses
  • Property damage
  • Lost wages/earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering

Fair Compensation for Damages

Obtaining fair compensation, however, is not necessarily simple or easy. The insurance company stays profitable by paying out as little as possible in damage claims. The insurer is likely to dispute an expensive claim (with high medical expenses and a long recovery time) or make an unreasonably low settlement offer to the victim.

When this happens, you need the services of experienced personal injury attorneys to negotiate with the insurer or file a lawsuit to get the compensation you deserve. Your attorney can handle the burden of this process while you focus on recovery.

10 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your Maryland Personal Injury Case

You can strengthen and protect your Maryland personal injury case at the outset by avoiding common mistakes victims often make after personal injuries:

  • Not seeking medical attention immediately: If you’re not taken to the ER from the scene of your accident, see a doctor right away, even if you don’t have visible injuries, because:
    • A doctor’s exam can reveal injuries that might not present immediately after your accident
    • A doctor will have medical reports and diagnosis documents proving the injuries you’ve suffered happened because of the accident.

Be sure to keep all doctor’s appointments and follow all medical advice. Keep records/receipts from all treatments/prescriptions.

  • Not gathering evidence at the scene: If you’re physically able to move around after the accident, document your injuries by taking photos. If you’re in a car wreck, try to get pictures of the vehicles involved and their license plates, as well as the scene and your own injuries. Exchange information with the other driver(s), and get contact info from any witnesses to the crash.
  • Not making a police report: Reporting your accident/injury to the police is vital because:
    • The official police report of your accident proves that it happened when/where you say it did.
    • The police will investigate the scene and report details that can help serve as evidence to support your claim.
  • Posting on social media: You shouldn’t post anything about your accident or injuries on any social media platform. The at-fault party’s insurer will look for anything you post and try to use it against you, if possible.
  • Giving information to insurance adjusters: After you’re accident/injury, you’ll probably be contacted by an insurance adjuster who will:
    • Ask questions about your injury and current condition
    • Try to get a recorded statement from you
    • Try to obtain access to your medical records
    • Offer you a quick, low settlement and pressure you to accept it

The purpose of this call is not to help you in any way. Give only minimal, basic information, and refer the adjuster to your personal injury attorney.

  • Ignoring the statute of limitations: The statute of limitations for an assault claim is one year in Maryland, and a personal injury claim is three years. This might seem like a long time, but the process of negotiation can be slow and tedious, so you should not wait to file your claim.
  • Being dishonest: Tell only the truth to the police and your attorney about your injury. Avoid discussing it with anyone else.
  • Repairing property damage too soon: If your vehicle or other property is damaged in your accident, the damage could be crucial evidence for your claim, so don’t be in a rush to get it fixed.
  • Admitting fault: Don’t admit full or partial responsibility for your injury to anyone at any time. Since Maryland follows a contributory negligence standard in personal injury cases, being found even one percent at fault for your own injury can bar you from recovering any compensation.
  • Not consulting personal injury attorneys: Most Maryland personal injury attorneys will offer you a free first consultation and charge you no attorney fees up front. You will pay a percentage of your award only after your case is won, so you have much to gain and little to lose by consulting an attorney.


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